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Alvis Cars
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Alvis Firefly, Firebird
In 1932 Alvis launched a new 11.9hp car, the Firefly. Using a shorter chassis from the Speed 20 and a shorter 4-cylinder version of the Speed 20 6-cylinder engine. The 1496cc Firefly was fast enough but was marketed more for quality. In 1935 the Firefly evolved into the Firebird with the engine enlarged in the same way as its 6-cylinder Speed 20 sibling. The Firebird engine was 1842cc, but there was also a 6-cylinder 2148cc model called the Alvis Sixteen in 1934 and renamed the Alvis Silver Eagle for the 1935 2362cc version. Whereas Fireflys had flat radiators grilles, the Firebirds were slightly peaked.
aa_Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 ornament
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 - ornament
aa_Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 ornamentt
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 ornament
aa_Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 ornament
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 - ornament
ab_Alvis SA13 Firebird ornament
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 - ornament
ab_Alvis SB11 Firefly ornament
Alvis SB11 Firefly - ornament
ad_Alvis SA11 Firefly grille
Alvis Firefly Tourer. Keeping the engine below 1½litres, the Firefly used a small bore 4-cylinder version of the Speed 20 six. The grille was flat and the later Firebird was peaked.
ad_Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 grille
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935. The radiator of the Firebird differered from the flat radiator of the Firefly by being slightly peaked.
Alvis SA11 Firefly DHC front
Alvis SB11 Firefly. The Firefly was launched in 1932 essentially as a 4cylinder version of the Speed 20. It had a 1496c engine rated at 11.9hp
Alvis SA11 Firefly Tourer front
Alvis Firefly Tourer. The Firefly had a 1496cc engine that was a 4-cylinder version of the Speed 20 six with smaller bores.
Alvis SA11 Firefly Tourer rear
Alvis Firefly Tourer. This Firefly has a 4-seater Tourer body by Cross and Ellis.
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 front DHC
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 Drophead Coupe
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 front
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935. In 1935 the Firefly evolved into the Firebird, gaining the same capacity increase (to 1842cc) for its 4-cylinder engine as was given to the 6-cylinder Speed 20.
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 rear DHC
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 Drophead Coupe. Coachwork by Cross and Ellis
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935 rear
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1935. This Firebird wears the Cross and Ellis saloon body, but the Holbrook saloon was very similar.
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 front
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 Holbrook. Engine 4cylinder 1842cc, body is probably the saloon by Holbrook. Otherwise the car was mechanically similar to the earlier Firefly.
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 rear
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 Holbrook. Saloon bodies were built by Holbrook or to the same design by Cross ane Ellis. Firebirds were bigger than Fireflys even though the car was the same size.
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 Tourer front
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 Tourer. A development of the Firefly, in 1935 the SA 13.22 with an 1842cc 4-cylinder engine. This is a Cross and Ellis Tourer
Alvis SA13 Firebird 1936 Tourer rear
Alvis Firebird 1936. This is a Cross and Ellis Tourer body
key text:  This is the page introducing Simons love of cars from the website  RedSimon which is a series of photo albums of Simon GP Geoghegan.
The names of Pinin, Farina, and Pininfarina are also considered
There are also notes on Pininfarina
as well as the car maker
and links tothat car maker
see also my Picasa car albums
withe even more on RedSimon
Simon is also a contributor to SuperCars.Net
And also to Wikipedia
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